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Everything You Want to Know about Blogging but were Afraid to Ask

Though blogging is a popular pastime and even an income generator, there are still plenty of people who aren’t quite sure what blogging is or what it involves. If you’re new to blogging or the blogging community, these Frequnetly Asked Questions can help to fill in the blanks.

What is a blog?

Technically, a blog, short for web log, is a series of posts arranged in chronological order. Most blogs are created with readers in mind in hopes of building a lively community.

Why do people blog?

Bloggers blog for any number of reasons. Some do so to promote a business while others blog to discuss an interest. Still others do so in hopes of earning money with advertising revenue.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

A blog is generally maintained by an individual with posts arranged by date.

Under each post is a section for comments. A website, on the other hand, tends to be more for business purposes, with content being saved and presented as an article. Many websites do not allow for community building or comments.

What should I blog about?

Blogs can be about anything! Some bloggers do so to “rant” about politics or other hotbed topics, while others choose a particular area of expertise to discuss. Niche blogs tend to receive more traffic than blogs that ramble on about no particular subject.

How can I make money blogging?

If you wish to make money blogging, you can do so by researching the different advertising methods to see which works best for your needs.

What is a blog platform?

A blog platform is the host or program you use to publish your blog. Some of the more popular platforms include Blogger, MySpace and Wordpress. If you choose a free platform, you can use a subdomain owned by your host. Most paying platforms allow for you to have your own domain.

How can I bring traffic to my blog?

It takes time to build up blog traffic. There are several ways you can do this, one of best is by visiting other similar blogs and posting in the comments. You can also submit your posts to social media sites such as Digg. Just be patient and don’t expect to see thousands of visitors right away.

What is a blogroll?

A blogroll is usually found in a blog’s sidebar and contains links to other blogs.

How do I get started blogging?

It’s simple. First choose a platform, then begin! There’s really not much more to it than that. Blogging is so easy anyone can do it. Most platforms are user friendly and set up like a word processing program. Take the tutorial, read the FAQs and start typing!

How often should I post?

Update your blog as often as possible! If you want people to stop by every day, you have to post every day. Nothing kills traffic like sporadic posts.

How much does it cost to blog?

Blogging doesn’t have to cost a dime. If you want to blog on your own domain or if you want to use a subscription-based platform, it will cost you. For the most part however, blogging costs absolutely nothing.